Scrubway Express Wash

Oil Change Service in Tomball, TX

A technician is shown doing an oil change on a vehicle on a lift.

When it comes to preventative maintenance for your vehicle, there are a few key things that need to be completed on a consistent basis. Take, for instance, an oil change. While today’s vehicles can often go farther than ever before without needing an oil change, it’s still one of the most important maintenance tasks on the list, and ignoring the need for one could cause significant issues. The good news is that our team at Scrubway Wash & Lube makes it easy to get your vehicle’s oil changed, which, in turn, makes it easier to ensure it’s in good working order. The even better news is that we go above and beyond the typical oil change, giving you peace of mind and confidence mile after mile. Keep reading to learn more.


Why an Oil Change Is the Most Important Maintenance Task

An oil change is one of the most important and routine maintenance tasks for any vehicle, maintaining its longevity and peak performance. Not that long ago, you would need to schedule an oil change every 3,000 miles, and while some vehicles still adhere to that schedule, many more state you can go up to 7,500 miles and possibly longer depending on the oil that is used.
However, the ability to drive farther between oil changes doesn’t mean they’re less significant. Oil is key for lubricating the engine’s various moving parts, but over time, a buildup of impurities such as dirt, metal particles, and other debris degrades the oil. If left untreated, the oil will no longer lubricate the engine as it should, resulting in increased friction, overheating, and even serious engine damage. Regular oil changes help keep the engine clean and debris-free, preserving its efficiency and extending its life.

Another reason why oil changes should not be forgotten is that they help maintain fuel efficiency. Since clean engine oil decreases friction between moving parts, it helps the engine run more smoothly and with less effort. When the oil becomes dirty or old, the engine has to work harder to function, which increases fuel consumption. Regular oil changes guarantee that your engine operates more efficiently, which could save you money on gasoline in the long term and lower your carbon footprint.

Finally, oil changes are also important for keeping your car in good condition and increasing its resale value. A well-maintained engine with a consistent oil change history shows potential buyers that the vehicle has been well-cared for, which can increase its market value. Additionally, many car manufacturers require regular oil changes to keep the warranty valid, which means that doing so ensures your vehicle will remain covered for potential repairs.

A close up shows a used oil filter.

We Upsize Your Oil Change

When you bring your car to our team for an oil change, you’ll find that we go above and beyond. Not only do we take the time to answer any questions you have about oil changes, but we also perform a comprehensive vehicle inspection, checking all the main components to ensure everything is working as it should. This allows us to let you know about any potential problems before they become more significant. Additionally, with this knowledge, you’re able to plan for upcoming repairs, which is better for your budget. If we find that you’ll need a repair sooner rather than later, we can also explore your options with you, offering assistance if it’s a service we provide.


The Scrubway Wash & Lube logo is shown.

Schedule Your Oil Change Today

Now that you know the importance of an oil change, we invite you to schedule your next oil change with us at Scrubway Wash & Lube. You can book an appointment online, providing us with a few key pieces of information. You can also set up an online account for even quicker scheduling next time if you’d like. We think you’ll see right away that our attention to detail and quality workmanship make us a vital part of your vehicle support team, ensuring it not only lasts but gets you safely from point A to point B consistently.